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IBM Flex System Manager management software web interface

The following browsers are supported by the management software web interface:
v Mozilla Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR) 31.x.x. (Remote presence
function for x86 is supported only from supported Windows and Linux
operating systems.)
v Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 9.0, 10.0, and 11.0


Chassis Management Module (CMM) web interface

The following browsers are supported for use with the CMM web interface:
v Mozilla Firefox version 3.6 and later
v Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8.0 and later
Note: Although the IBM Flex System Manager management software and
Integrated Management Module (IMM) web interfaces support Internet Explorer
7.0, the CMM web interface supports only version 8.0 and later.


Integrated Management Module (IMM) web interface

The following browsers are supported for use with the IMM web interface:
v Mozilla Firefox version 3.5 and later
v Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.0 and later

Additionally, the IMM web interface supports the following browser and client
operating system combinations:
v SLES version 11 and later with Firefox 3.5 and later
v RHEL5 and later with Firefox 3.5 and later
v Microsoft Windows XP with Internet Explorer 7.0 and later
v Microsoft Windows XP with Firefox 3.5 and later
v Microsoft Windows Vista with Internet Explorer 7.0 and later
v Microsoft Windows Vista with Firefox 3.5 and later
v Microsoft Windows 2008 with Internet Explorer 7.0 and later
v Microsoft Windows 2008 with Firefox 3.5 and later


Advanced System Management (ASM) web interface
The ASM interface supports the following browsers:

v Mozilla Firefox version
v Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.0
v Opera version 9.24
1. Later versions of these browsers might work, but are not officially supported.
2. ASM requires that the JavaScript language and cookies are enabled.


Flex System V7000 management web interface

The following browsers are supported for use with the Flex System V7000
management GUI:
v Mozilla Firefox versions 18 and ESR 17.0.x
v Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 8.0 and 9.0
v Google Chrome 24

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