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2013. 3. 30. 02:00
본 블로그의 모든내용은 ibm.com에 있는 내용이며 본 블로그의 내용은 증빙내용으로는 활용 불가능합니다
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RETAIN Tip:H207294


위 리테인 참고



Intel has created Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) image 3.29 to fix this issue, available in the following .zip file:

The fix can be applied by running the appropriate executable file for 64 bit Microsoft Windows, 64 bit Linux or 32 bit Linux. Use the 150E tools for I340-T4 adapters. Use the 1516 tools for for the Intel Ethernet Dual-Port Server Adapter I340-T2 for IBM System x, Option 49Y4230.

To apply the fix, copy the appropriate file to the server then run the file from a command line. No command line options are needed, but users should employ the command line options to generate logs files.

These logs files can be used to debug any issue that may occur when applying the fix. For example (to update an Intel Ethernet Quad-Port Server Adapter I340-T4 for IBM System x, Option 49Y4240, NIC on Windows 2008 R2):

  150EUpdateW64e.exe -log log.txt -report report.txt

This command will apply the fix and create a log file and report file.

After applying the fix, you will need to AC cycle the system for the fix to take affect.

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