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2011. 3. 4. 15:28
본 블로그의 모든내용은 ibm.com에 있는 내용이며 본 블로그의 내용은 증빙내용으로는 활용 불가능합니다
주의! 모든 방문자는 공지를 반드시 읽어본 후 글을 읽으시기 바랍니다.:*필독공지*

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SAS 1068 레이드 카드를 구성하는 방법입니다.
다른건 다르게 구성해야합니다.
레이드 구성방법입니다

IM은 미러링 구성입니다
2개의 디스크가 필요합니다

Creating an integrated mirroring volume

To create an integrated mirroring volume with the SAS BIOS CU, complete the following
steps: 1. On the Adapter List screen, use the arrow keys to select the SAS controller, and then press Enter. The Adapter Properties screen is displayed.

위처럼 나오면

2. Select RAID Properties, and press Enter.

3. When you are prompted to select a volume type, select Create IM Volume. The Create New Array screen shows a list of disks that you can add to a volume.

4. Move the cursor to the RAID Disk column and select a disk. To add the disk to the volume, change the “No” to “Yes” by pressing the + key, - key, or Spacebar. When the first disk is added, the configuration utility prompts you to either keep existing data or overwrite existing data.

5. Press M to keep the existing data on the first disk or press D to overwrite it. If you keep the existing data, this is called a migration. The first disk will be mirrored onto the second disk, so the data you want to keep must be on the first disk added to the volume. Any data on the second disk is overwritten. As disks are added, the Array Size field changes to reflect the size of the new volume.

6. (Optional) Add a global hot spare by moving the cursor to the hot spare column and pressing the + key, - key, or Spacebar. The following illustration shows an integrated mirroring volume configured with a global hot spare disk.

YES로 만들어주면 됩니다

7. After the volume is fully configured, press C and then select Save changes then exit this menu. The SAS BIOS CU pauses while the array is created.


미러링 구성 완료!!

Creating an integrated mirroring enhanced volume
3개이상 미러링 잡는겁니다

To create an integrated mirroring enhanced volume with the SAS BIOS CU, complete the following steps:

1. On the Adapter List screen, select the SAS controller, and then press Enter. The Adapter Properties screen is displayed.

2. On the Adapter Properties screen, select RAID Properties, and then press Enter.

3. When you are prompted to select a volume type, select Create IME Volume. The Create New Array screen is displayed and shows a list of disks that you can add a volume.

4. Move the cursor to the RAID Disk column and select a disk. To add the disk to the volume, change the No to Yes by pressing the + key, - key, or Spacebar. Repeat this step to select a total of three to four disks for the volume (or three disks if you are creating a global hot spare). All existing data on all the disks you select is overwritten. As you add disks, the Array Size field changes to reflect the size of the new volume.

5. (Optional) Add a global hot spare to the volume by moving the cursor to the Hot Spare column and pressing the + key, - key, or Spacebar.

6. When the volume is fully configured, press C and then select Save changes then exit this menu. The SAS BIOS CU pauses while the array is created.

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