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2013. 1. 23. 01:30
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1.12.1 Display Virtual Drive Information
Use the command in Table 1.47 to display virtual drive information for the
selected controller(s).
1.12.2 Change the Virtual Drive Cache and Access Parameters
Use the command in Table 1.48 to change the cache policy and access
policy for the virtual drive(s) on the selected controller(s).
Note: The ServeRAID M1015 SAS/SATA controller does not
support the cache policies. These policies include access
policy, read policy, write policy, IO policy, and drive cache.
Table 1.46 Verify the Security Key
Convention MegaCli -VerifySecurityKey -SecurityKey sssssssssss -aN
Description Verifies that the security key is the correct one for the self-encrypted disk.
-VerifySecurityKey: Verifies the security key.
-SecurityKey sssssssssss: Enters the new security key. The security key is casesensitive.
It must be between eight and thirty-two characters and contain at least one
number, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one non-alphanumeric
character (e.g. < > @ +). The space character is not permitted.
Table 1.47 Display Virtual Drive Information
Convention MegaCli –LDInfo –Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
Description Displays information about the virtual drive(s) on the selected controller(s). This
information includes the name, RAID level, RAID level qualifier, capacity in
megabytes, state, stripe size, number of drives, span depth, cache policy, access
policy, and ongoing activity progress, if any, including initialization, background
initialization, consistency check, and reconstruction.

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