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2015. 12. 31. 02:30
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CMM패스워드 잃어버렸을때  복구하는 쉬운방법입니다


ASU만 있으면 복구가능


Reset CMM to default

You can use the ASU to reset the CMM to the default setting and reboot.

Command syntax

asu cmmcfg reset <setting name> [options] [connection options]


<setting name>

Setting name takes the format CMM<0x>.xx.xx, which can be shown by either the list or showtree command.

Table 1. Options
Option Description
--help Display help for this command in the console window and exit.
Table 2. Connection options
Connection option Description
--host <ip> Address of the CMM server to operate on.
--user <userid> CMM user name to authenticate. The default is USERID.
--password <password> CMM password to authenticate. The default is PASSWORD.
--port <port> Port for the CIM interface. The default is 5989.

Command example

C:\asu>asu.exe cmmcfg reset cm01 --host --user USERID --password PASSW0RD
IBM Advanced Settings Utility version 9.30.79M
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007-20xx All Rights Reserved
Connected to CIMOM at IP address: on Port:5989
Issuing reset command to CMM.
Checking if the CMM has reset yet. (attempt 0)
CMM has started the reset.
Disconnect from CMM
Wait for about x mins to let the CMM complete reset.
Checking if CMM CIM interface is ready. (attempt 0)
Connected to CMM at IP address
Reset  completed successfully.
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