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2012. 5. 17. 10:15
본 블로그의 모든내용은 ibm.com에 있는 내용이며 본 블로그의 내용은 증빙내용으로는 활용 불가능합니다
주의! 모든 방문자는 공지를 반드시 읽어본 후 글을 읽으시기 바랍니다.:*필독공지*

딴지 거실분들은 절대 읽지 마시고 100% 정확한 정보가 있는 에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.



Use either the first or both of the following two (2) workarounds to avoid the operating system hangs. See the Details section below for guidelines.

Workaround 1

Revert the server to third quarter 2011 UEFI, IMM, and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) code levels as shown below. With these levels, the error may be ignored with minimal impact to performance.

  UEFI v1.71a g0e171a
IMM v1.30 yuooc7e
FPGA v2.01 g0ud72b

Workaround 2

After applying Workaround 1, change the QPI link speed to Power Efficiency from Maximum Performance as follows:

F1 Setup --> System Settings --> Operating Modes --> QPI Link Frequency --> Power Efficiency



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