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2017. 5. 9. 02:20
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Reinstalling management software components from optical media
after replacing the hard disk drive



Flex System Manager Types 7955, 8731, and 8734 console breakout cable
v External DVD-ROM drive with a USB connection and an external power adapter
Note: Some DVD-ROM drives (and most USB-powered DVD-ROM drives)
might not be compatible.
v USB cable
v IBM Flex System Manager management software Recovery DVDs (from IBM
Note: Before you request the Recovery DVDs from IBM Support, see “Obtaining
the IBM Flex System Manager Recovery DVDs” on page 488 to determine the
FRU part number for your version of the management software.



Procedure(RAID 재구성시에만 1번 스탭 필요함)

1. During the restart of the management node (after the splash screen), start the
LSI Corp Configuration Utility and reconfigure the RAID settings:
a. When the following message is displayed on your screen, press Ctrl+C.
Please wait, initializing legacy usb devices...Done
LSI Corporation MPT SAS2 BIOS
MPT2BIOS- (2011.05.16)
Copyright 2000-2011 LSI Corporation.
Press Ctrl-C to start LSI Corp Configuration Utility...
b. Select the adapter and press Enter.
c. Select SAS Topology and press Enter.
d. Expand Direct Attach Devices so that the hard disk is displayed.
e. Make sure that the hard disk is set as the alternate boot device, or Alt, and
that the RAID is set to Boot. If Alt and Boot are not displayed, use the
following key combinations to modify the configuration:
v Alt+B: Select or deselect a device as the preferred boot device.
v Alt+A: Select or deselect a device as the alternate boot device.
f. Press Escape; then, select Save changes then exit this menu and press Enter.
g. Press Escape; then, select Exit the Configuration Utility and Reboot and
press Enter. The management node restarts.



2. Use the Recovery DVDs to reinstall the management software partitions:
a. Install the console breakout cable in the front of the management node.
b. Connect the external optical media drive to the console breakout cable.
c. Insert the Recovery DVD 1 in the external optical drive.
d. Power on the management node.


e. From the splash screen, press F12 to select the Recovery DVD for the next
node boot. After the management node boots, the Recovery menu is
3. Use the Recovery menu to destroy the corrupted partitions and reinstall the
management software image:
a. After the management node boots, select Recover the management node;
then, press Y.
b. From the menu, select the third option in the list: Recover HDD (use if the
HDD failed, but neither SSD failed) for management software version
1.2.1 or later,or Reinstall HDD image only for versions 1.2.0 and earlier.
After you make the selection, press Y. The node begins copying data from
the Recovery DVD 1.
c. When you are prompted, remove the Recovery DVD 1 and insert the
Recovery DVD 2 in the external optical drive.
Note: After you insert Recovery DVD 2, wait approximately one minute
before you press Enter. If you press Enter and the DVD is ejected, reinsert
the DVD and wait two minutes before you press Enter again.
Depending on the version of IBM Flex System Manager management
software you are recovering, you might have more than 2 DVDs to insert. If
so, continue with this step for each of the DVDs.
d. To complete the process of recovering the IBM Flex System Manager
management software, you must import the ISO files again. For more
information about importing ISO files, see Importing operating system
4. After the recovery process is complete, disconnect the external optical drive
and restart the management node.
Note: After all of the DVDs have been copied, you might receive an "unknown
error." If Use this recovery method if your management node experienced hardware failures
that required you to replace a solid state drive (SSD) or an SSD and the hard disk

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