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NTutil - Copyright (c) 1997-2000 IBM Corporation

Main Menu:
Microsoft Windows 2000 version

1: Manual test
2: Batch test
9: Exit ntutil

Enter selection:

4. The following screen will show, select 88 for 'list registered devices' and press ENTER.

Test tool version
Variable settings
==================== BASE MODE ========================================
tape-special-file-name: tape0
gp->fd0=-1 gp->fd1=-1 block size=1024 block count=1
hex block id = 0000000000000000
return_error_when_fail 1 exit_on_unexpected_result 0 trace_flag 0

manual test menu:
1: set device special file 2: display symbols
3: set block size R/W (now !0 fixed)
5: set return error when fail 6: set/reset trace
7: set exit on unexpected result 8: Library Mode
20: open 21: close
22: read 23: write
24: read and display block 25: flush (buffer->media)
26: read block id 27: erase
28: locate block id 29: display block data
30: write filemark(s) 31: rewind
32: forward space filemark(s) 33: unload
34: reverse space filemark(s) 35: load
36: forward space record(s) 37: return error
38: reverse space record(s) 39: test unit ready
43: set media parms (block size) 44: set dev parms(...)
46: get device information 47: restore data
48: get medium information 49: inquiry
50: poll registered devices
53: space EOD 54: display message
70: system command

80: Force Dump 81: Read Dump
82: Update MicroCode 83: Log Sense
84: Get Last Sense 85: Get Version
86: Associative/Persistent WProtect 87: Read/Write Test
88: List registered devices 89: Get MTDevice Info
99: return to main menu

enter selection:

5. You will see a list of registered devices. Note them because, the tape devices will be needed later.







6. Now, you will need to open the tape device so that you can extract the drive dumps. Type in 1 for 'set device special file', when asking for tape path type in the name of a tape device from step 5.

7. Type in 20 for 'open', then select 1 for READ/WRITE.

8. Type in 80 for 'read dump', name the file "tapeX.dmp" where X represents the drive number.

This will obtain a previous dump, if there is one available. You may

choose to skip this step if you just with to force a dump and read it.

9. Type in 81 for 'force dump'.

10. Type in 80 for 'read dump', name the file "tapeXf.dmp" where X represents the drive number.

This is the file containing the dump you obtained in step 9.

11. Type in 21 for 'close', this will close the tape drive.

12. You will need to repeat the above section, from number 6 through 13, for number of dumps that is needed from drive failure.

13. When done type in 99 for 'return to main menu'

14. Type in 9 to exit NTUTIL.

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