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2013. 6. 15. 01:30
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These are the recommended firmware levels for the DS3200, DS3300, DS3400 and DS3500.

Resolving the problem

DS3200 guidance on firmware (FW) selection:

  • In general, the recommended level of DS3200 controller FW is and ESM FW 1.96 for the EXP3000 enclosure.
  • The firmware version may be required for additional defect fixes.
  • Please review SSIC for supported interoperability.
  • Controller FW and ESM FW 1.96 is the minimum level for systems not requiring the features or interoperability provided with 07.xx FW.
  • Storage Manager 10.86.x5.28 is the latest version and recommended for all FW levels.

DS3200 Support in the IBM Support Portal

DS3300 guidance on firmware (FW) selection:
  • In general, the recommended level of DS3300 controller FW is and ESM FW 1.96 for the EXP3000 enclosure.
  • The firmware version may be required for additional defect fixes.
  • Please review SSIC for supported interoperability.
  • Controller FW and ESM FW 1.96 is the minimum level for systems not requiring the features or interoperability provided with 07.xx FW.
  • Storage Manager 10.86.x5.28 is the latest version and recommended for all FW levels.
DS3300 Support in the IBM Support Portal

DS3400 guidance on firmware (FW) selection:
  • In general, the recommended level of DS3400 controller FW is and ESM FW 1.96 for the EXP3000 enclosure.
  • The firmware version may be required for additional defect fixes.
  • Please review SSIC for supported interoperability.
  • Controller FW and ESM FW 1.96 is the minimum level for systems not requiring the features or interoperability provided with 07.xx FW.
  • Storage Manager 10.86.x5.28 is the latest version and recommended for all FW levels.

DS3400 Support in the IBM Support Portal

DS3500 guidance on firmware (FW) selection:
  • In general, the recommended level of DS3500 controller FW is and ESM FW 0343 for the EXP3500 enclosure (Please read changelist). If a system is running 7.8x firmware, then the recommended FW is Please review the Storage Manager 10.84.x5.30 or later Readme before installing as the Storage Manager GUI has a different look and feel when used with this firmware level.
  • New systems are shipping with controller FW 7.86.
  • The firmware version may be required for new features as described in the Readme file. Before installing, please review the Storage Manager 10.86.x5.28 Readme as the Storage Manager GUI has a different look and feel when used with the 7.86 firmware.
  • Please review SSIC for supported interoperability.
  • The minimum controller FW for any DS3500 is and ESM FW 0316 for the EXP3500 enclosure.
  • Storage Manager v10.86.x5.28 is recommended for all FW levels.
DS3500 Support in the IBM Support Portal
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