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  Record number:        H194957
  Device:               D/T1735
  Model:                M
  Hit count:            UHC00019
  Success count:        USC0000
  Publication code:     PC50
  Tip key:              004
  Date created:         O09/03/26
  Date last altered:    A10/01/28
  Owning B.U.:          USA


The user attempts to enter the On-Screen Configuration and     
Activity Reporting (OSCAR) menu or serial/terminal mode, but   
cannot access it because it will not accept any password.      
Users of a 1735-3LX or 1735-4LX may be prompted for a Username 
and the Password. The request for a Username is only displayed 
when, during the security set up, the "Enable User Account" box
has been marked.                                               
ISOLATION AIDS:                                                
- The system may be any of the following IBM servers:          
     Rack/Storage, Type 1735, any model                        
- The system is configured with one or more of the following   
  IBM Options:                                                 
     1x8 Console Switch, Option 17351LX                        
     1x8 Console Switch, Option 17353LX                        
     2x16 Console Switch, Option 17352LX                       
     2x16 Console Switch, Option 17354LX                       
     IBM Global 2x16 Console Manager (GCM2), Option 17352GX    
     IBM Global 4x16 Console Manager (GCM4), Option 17354GX    
     IBM Local 2x8 Console Manager (LCM2), Option 17351GX      
- This tip is not software specific.                           
- The system has the symptom described above.                  
The unlock process works as follows:                           
1. Ensure that the affected 1735 unit is on the latest code    
   level. If it is not, then update the 1735 unit to the latest
   code level.                                                 
   a. The currently installed code level of a 1735-1LX, 2LX,   
      3LX, 4LX cannot be verified. Update the firmware to the  
      latest level instead                                     
   b. For the 1735-1GX, 2GX, 4GX units refer to RETAIN tip     
      H196521 (MIGR-5083132).                                  
2. Generate 16-digit key on the 1735 unit.                     
3. Contact R/S/P PFE or R/S/P Product Engineering (PE).        
4. Supply the unlock key received from R/S/P PFE or R/S/P PE to
   the user in order to unlock the unit. This code only works  
Note: Users of a 1735-HC1 unit should refer to RETAIN tip      
      H19859 (MIGR-5071090) per support document MIGR-5071090  
      in order to identify the 1735 unit. Alternatively, the   
      labels at the bottom of the 1735 unit can be consulted.  
It is mandatory that first firmware of the affected 1735 unit  
is updated to the latest level before attempting to get a      
password reset.                                                
The firmware file for model type 1735-1GX, 2GX, 4GX is         
available from the IBM System x Support web site at the        
following URL:                                                 
The firmware file for model type 1735-1LX, 2LX, 3LX, 4LX is    
available from the IBM System x Support web site at the        
following URL:                                                 
Firmware update instructions can be obtained from the relevant 
unit User's Guide.                                             
The guide for the 1735-1LX, 2LX is located at:                 
The guide for the 1735-3LX, 4LX is located at:                 
The guide for the 1735-1GX located at:                         
The guide for the 1735-2GX, 4GX is located at:                 
Instructions for updating the 1735-1GX, 2GX, 4GX firmware via  
serial port can be obtained from RETAIN tip H196518            
In all User Guides the update procedure is described in        
"Appendix A: Flash upgrades."                                  
If a serial cable is required to update the 1735 firmware, then
obtain the cable Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) 74P4856. This is 
a straight through serial DB-9 RS-232 cable.                   
For the Console Switch Type 1735-1LX, 2LX lost On-Screen       
Configuration and Activity Reporting (OSCAR) password, the user
will be prompted for the password only, or the user            
can click the "Forgot Password" button if available in order to
get the same 16-digit key.                                     
Do not close the current OSCAR window that shows the 16-digit  
key as else this code will become invalid and an unlock of the 
unit will fail. If this OSCAR window has been closed a new     
16-digit key must be generated as outlined above.              
For the Console Switch Type 1735-3LX, 4LX lost OSCAR password, 
follow the instructions for the Type 1735-1GX,2GX,4GX units    
below. If the user has not ticked the box left to "Enable      
User Account" during security set up then only the password    
prompt will be displayed.                                      
For Type 1735-1GX, 2GX, 4GX, these models will display         
'Username' and 'Password' fields. The user should type "Admin" 
- uppercase A and without the quotes - and should type "help"  
without the quotes at the password prompt.                     
If the OSCAR language has been changed, then use the following 
translation of "help":                                         
     - German: hilfe                                           
     - Spanish: ayuda                                          
     - French: aide                                            
     - Italian: guida                                          
     - English/Japanese: help                                  
Note that the word "help" or its translations must be entered  
in small letters as shown above as else no 16-digit key will be
Do not close the current OSCAR window that shows the 16-digit  
key as else this code will become invalid and an unlock of the 
unit will fail. If this OSCAR window has been closed a new     
16-digit key must be generated as outlined above.              
Create a Problem Management Report (PMR) that contains the     
following information:                                         
1. Complete Machine Type and Model (MTM) of the unit, e.g.     
   1735-2GX. 2. The complete serial number. 3. The complete    
   16-digit key as displayed by the unit.                      
Escalate this PMR to your local Rack Stack Power PFE/PE.       
PFE/PE will provide a key code that will allow access to the   
unit again.                                                    
The returned code will consist of 16 Alpha-Numeric hexadecimal 
characters. This code needs be to entered exactly as given.    
This code must be entered in full irrespective to whether      
the input field does allow this or not.                        
After the password reset is complete, some units may require   
another password to be set; if it does, this is a requirement. 
Do not try to skip this step. If the console switch asks for a 
new password, follow the steps below.                          
The following steps allow the user to permanently remove the   
password on any of the listed 1735 units:                      
1. Complete the password reset process and enter a new password
   and accept it. This is a requirement.                       
2. Close the OSCAR menu completely.                            
3. Press "Print Screen" and enter into the OSCAR menu.         
4. Click "Setup." A "Log off" option should be displayed.      
5. Click "security."                                           
6. Place the cursor in the password field and press "Backspace"
7. Place the cursor in the "repeat password" field and press   
   "Backspace" once.                                           
8. Press OK and exit the OSCAR menu.                           
To ensure that the process of removing the password worked,    
test it as follows:                                            
1. Press "Print Screen" and enter into the OSCAR menu.         
2. Click "setup." A "Log off" option should be displayed.      
3. Close the OSCAR menu and power down the unit, wait 10       
   seconds, and then power it back on. The unit should not     
   display the password prompt.                                
Once the password reset is complete ensure that the firmware of
all following Cable Options is updated as well as the unit     
firmware also contains the latest code for the Cable Options   
which also includes fixes for the Cable Options.               
Many issues were resolved in the latest firmware. See the      
change history for more details.                               
The algorithm used to generate the pass code for these units is
based on firmware levels. In order to get a correct 16-digit   
code generated, the firmware needs to be at the latest level.  
A forgotten password is not covered via warranty. All forgotten
passwords are recoverable if the firmware has been upgraded.   
This means that a forgotten password does not constitute for   
replacement of the affected unit. A unit replacement for this  
issue will be billed to the user.

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