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False memory configuration error events after updating to IMM YUOOB7C - IBM System x3850 X5 (7145), x3950 X5 (7145)

위 내용으로 정리가 되어있으며
해결은 곧 다음 펌웨어로 되려나 봅니다.
좀 불편하긴하지만 기다리는 수 밖에는 없네요.
아래 내용확인하면 됩니다.
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내리는것보다는 아래에 나와있듯이 기다리는게 더 안정적일듯합니다. 개인적인의견^^

리테인 번호입니다 : RETAIN tip: H203170 에서 H203170을 검색하시면 됩니다.


After Integrated Management Module (IMM) V1.28 (yuoob7c) is installed on a System x3850 X5, Type 7145, IMM will log errors such as the ones below:

  06/21/2011 18:56:11 PLAT0126 Configuration Error for "Mem Card4 Bank" on subsystem "System Memory" Major

06/21/2011 18:56:11 PLAT0126 Configuration Error for "Mem Card8 Bank" on subsystem "System Memory" Major

06/21/2011 18:56:11 PLAT0126 Configuration Error for "Mem Card6 Bank" on subsystem "System Memory" Major

06/21/2011 18:56:15 PLAT0126 Configuration Error for "Mem Card7 Bank" on subsystem "System Memory" Major

06/21/2011 18:56:15 PLAT0126 Configuration Error for "Mem Card5 Bank" on subsystem "System Memory" Major

06/21/2011 18:56:15 PLAT0126 Configuration Error for "Mem Card3 Bank" on subsystem "System Memory" Major

Note: The Mem Cards 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 have configuration errors logged. Mem Cards 1 and 2 are also installed (see Details below) but do not generate errors.

Even with the major error events above, the server will load the operating system with all installed memory available, minus the overhead memory required by Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) for system resources (example MMIO resource). There is no loss of function.

Affected configurations

The system may be any of the following IBM servers:

  • System x3850 X5, type 7145, models 1RX, 2RX, 3RX, 4RX, 5RX
  • System x3950 X5, type 7145, any model

This tip is not software specific.

This tip is not option specific.

The following system firmware level(s) are affected:

  • IMM v1.28 yuoob7c


This behavior will be corrected in a future release of IMM.

The target date for this release is scheduled for third quarter 2011.

The file is or will be available by selecting the appropriate Product name, Product machine type, and Operating system on IBM Support's Fix Central web page, at the following URL:


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