2013. 2. 20. 02:00
[카테고리 없음]
2.0 Installation and Setup Instructions The procedure to update the IMM2 is as follows: Note: In Windows Server 2008, the firewall may be enabled by default. ===== In some configurations, this could prevent the flash utility from succeeding. The firewall may need to be disabled if it is suspected to be preventing the update traffic. 2.1 Updating the IMM2 firmware using the command line interface - Run "uxspi up -e all -i ibm_fw_imm2_1aoo26l-1.21_anyos_noarch -s all --ignore-req --latest" 2.2 IBM Systems Director discovery after an IMM2 install - If managed by IBM Systems Director, when the IMM2 is discovered Director automatically registers with the IMM2 to receive IBM Director events. A firmware upgrade of IMM2 results in the loss of this registration information and it must be restored for proper event information to be forwarded to Director. If this firmware update is part of an initial deployment we recommend upgrading to the latest IMM2 firmware level prior to discovering the IMM2 with IBM Systems Director. If you upgrade the IMM2 firmware after having discovered and unlocked the system from a Director Server then you will no longer receive Director events from this IMM2. To resolve this issue you will need to delete the object in Director which represents the system and rediscover and reunlock it. 3.0 Configuration Information - This update package does not provide the ability to set or modify IMM2 configuration settings. 4.0 Unattended Mode 4.1 Performing the update in unattended mode - Run "uxspi up -e all -i ibm_fw_imm2_1aoo26l-1.21_anyos_noarch -s all -u --ignore-req --latest"