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2011. 5. 2. 10:00
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딴지 거실분들은 절대 읽지 마시고 100% 정확한 정보가 있는 에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.

IPMI baseboard management controller
The hardware log has a size limit. When the log is full, it no longer accepts entries. If Common Agent or Platform Agent is installed on the affected system, the log is erased automatically when it is full.
The service processor or management module generates a warning event when the hardware log is almost full.
  • For the Remote Supervisor Adapter and Remote Supervisor Adapter II, the event is generated when the hardware log is 75% full.
  • For the Intelligent Peripheral Management Interface (IPMI) baseboard management controller (BMC), the threshold is programmed in the firmware and can vary from BMC to BMC. Typically, the IBM® BMC uses the following values:
    • 75% full generates a warning event
    • 90% full generates a critical event
    • 100% full generates an overflow event
To clear the hardware-log information, the system must be online and you must have access.
Attention: Before you clear the hardware-log information, export the hardware-log information so you can refer to it later or provide it to IBM® service representatives if necessary. For information about exporting, see "Exporting table information."

To clear the hardware-log information, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Hardware Log page, click Clear.
  2. In the confirmation window, click Clear to confirm the request. The hardware-log information is cleared from the table and from the service processor or management module.

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