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2011. 4. 3. 21:17
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딴지 거실분들은 절대 읽지 마시고 100% 정확한 정보가 있는 에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.
N시리즈를 지원하면서
RAID 4에서 RAID-DP로 변환이 가능한가를 알아봤는데
된다고 합니다

Once the appliance has been upgraded to at least Data ONTAP 6.5, existing aggregates and traditional volumes are easily converted to RAID-DP using the command [aggr | vol] options name raidtype raid_dp. When entered, the aggregate or traditional volume is instantly denoted as RAID-DP, but all diagonal parity stripes still need to be calculated and stored on the second parity disk. RAID-DP protection against double disk failure isn’t available until all diagonal parity stripes have been calculated and stored on the diagonal parity disk. Calculating the diagonals as part of a conversion to RAID-DP takes time and affects performance slightly on the storage controller. The amount of time and performance effect for conversions to RAID-DP depend on what the storage controller is (NearStore® or FAS960, for instance) and how busy the storage controller is during the conversion. Generally, conversions to RAID-DP should be planned for off-peak hours to minimize potential performance effect to business or users. For conversions from RAID 4 to RAID-DP, certain conditions are required. Namely, conversions occur at the aggregate or traditional volume level, and there has to be an available disk for the second diagonal parity disk for each RAID 4 group in either class of storage. The size of the disks used for diagonal parity needs to be at least as big as the original RAID 4 row parity disks.
Aggregates and traditional volumes may be converted back to RAID 4 with the command [aggr | vol] options name raidtype raid4. In this case, the conversion is instantaneous, since the old RAID 4 row parity construct is still in place as a subsystem in RAID-DP. If a RAID-DP group is converted to RAID 4, then each RAID group’s second diagonal parity disk is released and put back into the spare disk pool. It is important to note that in order to revert to a previous version of Data ONTAP that doesn’t support RAID-DP, volumes based on RAID-DP would first need to be converted to RAID 4 ones.

위 문서가 원문이며 양쪽으로 변환이 가능하다고 합니다.

위 파일을 참고하면 더 자세히 알수 있습니다
제한사항이 있는듯 하니 반드시 확인후 작업하시기 바랍니다.

Aggregate 에 디스크 추가
aggr add aggregate 이름 추가 HDD 개수
Aggregate 을 RAID - DP 에서 RAID4 로 변경
aggr options aggr0 raidtype raid4
Aggregate 삭제 (Aggregate 오프라인 후 가능)
aggr offline Aggregate 이름
aggr destroy Aggregate 이름
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