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2012. 9. 12. 10:18
본 블로그의 모든내용은 ibm.com에 있는 내용이며 본 블로그의 내용은 증빙내용으로는 활용 불가능합니다
주의! 모든 방문자는 공지를 반드시 읽어본 후 글을 읽으시기 바랍니다.:*필독공지*

딴지 거실분들은 절대 읽지 마시고 100% 정확한 정보가 있는 에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.

V7000의 경우 복구방법이 다양하게 있습니다

메뉴얼확인해도 있고


간단한 방법


1. USB  init tool 복구

2. USB FAT32포맷후 컨트롤러에 연결



패스워드 관리 IP관리는 철저히!!


Getting node canister and system information using a USB
flash drive
This procedure explains how to view information about the node canister and
system using a USB flash drive.
About this task
Use any USB flash drive with a FAT32 file system, a EXT2 file system, or a EXT3
file system on its first partition.
1. Ensure that the USB flash drive does not contain a file named satask.txt in
the root directory.
Chapter 6. Resolving a problem 53
If satask.txt does exist in the directory, the node attempts to run the
command that is specified in the file.
2. The information that is returned is appended to the satask_result.html file.
Delete this file if you no longer want the previous output.
3. Insert the USB flash drive in one of the USB ports of the node canister from
which you want to collect data.
4. The node canister fault LED flashes. It continues to flash while the information
is collected and written to the USB flash drive.
5. Wait until the LED stops flashing before removing the USB flash drive.
Because the LED is a fault indicator, it might remain permanently on or off.
6. View the results in a web browser.
The file contains the details and results of the command that was run and the
status and the configuration information from the node canister.

메뉴얼 링크 :

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