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2011. 5. 12. 14:27
본 블로그의 모든내용은 ibm.com에 있는 내용이며 본 블로그의 내용은 증빙내용으로는 활용 불가능합니다
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스토리지를 보면
불륨 생성시 DMP 지원유무를 선택하는 부분이 있습니다
왠만하면 안쓰는 옵션이긴 하지만
DMP를 해야 인식되는것도 있습니다

VERITAS Dynamic Multi-pathing (DMP)  5.1 SP1

위와 같은 프로그램을 설치 했을때 사용하는 옵션같습니다

Solution name:

VERITAS Dynamic Multi-pathing (DMP) 5.1 SP1

Solution description:

Dynamic multi-pathing enables I/O to be efficiently spread across multiple paths for path failure protection and fast failover. DMP enhances storage I/O path availability and performance, and efficiently spread I/O across multiple paths.

Solution web page:

VERITAS storage and data management solutions address the increasing costs of managing mission-critical data and disk resources in enterprise computing and emerging storage area network (SAN) environments. At the heart of these solutions are the VERITAS Storage Foundation products VERITAS Volume Manager and VERITAS File System. DMP is a feature of the VERITAS volume manager, enhancing storage I/O path availability and performance, and efficiently spread I/O across multiple paths.

DMP provides the following benefits:

• Storage Connectivity Virtualization. Fully virtualizes connectivity from the host to storage.

• Data availability. If an I/O path to a multi-path storage subsystem fails, DMP automatically re-routes I/O requests to an alternate path transparently

• Optimized I/O performance. DMP enhances I/O performance by distributing I/O requests across all available paths according to pre-defined load balancing policies.

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