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2012. 2. 23. 12:07
본 블로그의 모든내용은 ibm.com에 있는 내용이며 본 블로그의 내용은 증빙내용으로는 활용 불가능합니다
주의! 모든 방문자는 공지를 반드시 읽어본 후 글을 읽으시기 바랍니다.:*필독공지*

딴지 거실분들은 절대 읽지 마시고 100% 정확한 정보가 있는 에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.

우선 위 툴이 필요합니다

2.0   Installation and Setup Instructions

      The procedure to update the IMM is as follows:

      Note: In Windows Server 2008, the firewall may be enabled by default.
            In some configurations, this could prevent the flash utility from
            succeeding.  The firewall may need to be disabled if it is suspected
            to be preventing the update traffic.

      2.1 Updating the IMM firmware using the command line interface
        - Run "uxspi up -e all -i ibm_fw_imm2_1aoo10k-1.05_anyos_noarch -s all --ignore-req --latest"

      2.2 IBM Systems Director discovery after an IMM install

        - If managed by IBM Systems Director, when the IMM is discovered Director
          automatically registers with the IMM to receive IBM Director events. 
          A firmware upgrade of IMM results in the loss of this registration
          information and it must be restored for proper event information
          to be forwarded to Director. 

          If this firmware update is part of an initial deployment we recommend
          upgrading to the latest IMM firmware level prior to discovering the
          IMM with IBM Systems Director.

          If you upgrade the IMM firmware after having discovered and unlocked
          the system from a Director Server then you will no longer receive
          Director events from this IMM.  To resolve this issue you will need
          to delete the object in Director which represents the system and
          rediscover and reunlock it.

그리고 위 방법으로 업데이트 합니다

IMM포트는 안들어가지나보네요

모든 드라이버가 있는 링크입니다

UEFI 를 설치 하려면

2.0   Installation and Setup Instructions

           2.0.1 If you are updating the IMM using VMware, the following
                 steps should be completed prior to the update to ensure
                 that the flash utility can connect to the IMM.

                 VMware 3.5
                 1. esxcfg-firewall --allowOutgoing
                 2. ifconfig cdceth0 169.254.x.x
                 3. route del -net netmask lo
                 4. Then ping to make sure that you can connect
                    to the IMM using the Ethernetover USB interface

                 VMware 4.0
                 1. esxcfg-firewall --allowOutgoing
                 2. esxcfg-vswitch -l
                 3. esxcfg-vswitch -L vusb0 vSwitch0
                 4. ifconfig vswif0 netmask
                 5. Then ping to make sure that you can connect
                    to the IMM using the Ethernetover USB interface

      The procedures to update the uEFI are as follows:

      Note: In Windows Server 2008, the firewall may be enabled by default.
            In some configurations, this could prevent the flash utility from
            succeeding.  The firewall may need to be disabled if it is suspected
            to be preventing the update traffic.

      2.1 Using the command line interface

        - Run the uEFI Update with the following command line:
          "uxspi up -e all -i ibm_fw_uefi_jqe128a-1.00_anyos_32-64 -s all -u  --latest"

VMWARE에서는 IP도 맞춰줘야하나보네.흠..해보고싶다

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