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General System Information
Note – The display of temperature will come up only if the temperature of any of the sensors
exceeds the temperature threshold. There will be a warning from the software if any of the sensors
exceeds this temperature threshold. The switch will shut down if the power supply overheats.
System Information at 13:41:04 Fri Jan 20, 2011
Time zone: America/US/Pacific
Daylight Savings Time Status: Disabled
Blade Network Technologies RackSwitch G8264
Switch has been up for 0 days, 17 hours, 10 minutes and 45 seconds.
Last boot: 20:41:01 Thu Jan 19, 2011 (power cycle)
MAC address: fc:cf:62:9d:2b:00 IP (If 1) address:
Management Port MAC Address: fc:cf:62:9d:2b:fe
Management Port IP Address (if 128):
Hardware Revision: 0
Hardware Part No: BAC-000*a*00
Switch Serial No: US7C45t78
Manufacturing date:
Software Version 6.4.0 (FLASH image1), active configuration.
Temperature Mother Top: 34 C
Temperature Mother Bottom: 38 C
Temperature Daughter Top: 35 C
Temperature Daughter Bottom: 37 C
Warning at 70 C and Recover at 100 C
Fan 1 in Module 1: RPM=17647 PWM=255(100%) Front-To-Back
Fan 2 in Module 1: RPM= 9310 PWM=255(100%) Front-To-Back
Fan 3 in Module 2: RPM=17419 PWM=255(100%) Front-To-Back
Fan 4 in Module 2: RPM= 9326 PWM=255(100%) Front-To-Back
Fan 5 in Module 3: RPM=17197 PWM=255(100%) Front-To-Back
Fan 6 in Module 3: RPM= 9523 PWM=255(100%) Front-To-Back
Fan 7 in Module 4: RPM=17252 PWM=255(100%) Front-To-Back
Fan 8 in Module 4: RPM= 9490 PWM=255(100%) Front-To-Back
System Fan Airflow: Front-To-Back
Power Supply 1: Vin Fault



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