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Single controller DS3000 showing controller B errors - IBM System Storage DS3200 (Type 1726-21X), DS3400 (Type 1726-41X)

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RETAIN tip: H19631


A single controller System Storage DS3200 (Type 1726-21X), a single controller System Storage DS3300 (Type 1726-31X), or a single controller System Storage DS3400 (Type 1726-41X), may show error messages related to controller B or loss of path redundancy.

The following messages are generally what will be seen in the major event log:

  7/26/07 3:21:51 PM 83 2605 Info 0/0/0 Ctr: A Start-of-day routine completed

7/26/07 3:21:45 PM 82 2112 Info 0/0/0 Controller enclosure Controller cache battery is fully charged

7/26/07 3:21:45 PM 81 281D Crit 0/0/0 Enclosure 85, Slot 2 Temperature sensor removed

7/26/07 3:21:45 PM 80 280A Crit 0/0/0 Enclosure 85 Controller enclosure component removed

7/26/07 3:21:45 PM 79 2829 Crit 0/0/0 Ctr: A Controller redundancy lost

7/26/07 3:21:45 PM 78 3101 Info 6/e0/20 Ctr: A ASC/ASCQ: E020 FW: 06173100 SN: SF71600777 replacement part number:09

7/26/07 3:21:15 PM 77 2606 Info 0/0/0 Ctr: A Start-of-day routine begun 7/26/07 3:19:29 PM 76 280B Crit 0/0/0 Enclosure 85, Slot 2 Controller enclosure component failed

7/26/07 3:19:29 PM 75 280B Crit 0/0/0 Enclosure 85, Slot 2 Controller enclosure component failed

In recovery guru, the following entries will most likely be seen:


Affected configurations

The system may be any of the following IBM servers:

  • System Storage DS3200, type 1726, model 21X
  • System Storage DS3300, type 1726, model 31X
  • System Storage DS3400, type 1726, model 41X

This tip is not option specific.

This tip is not software specific.



Install the single-controller NVSRAM on controller A. See "Downloading controller or NVSRAM" in the System Storage DS3000 Storage Manager Installation and Support Guide for information about how to download the NVSRAM software. Obtain the latest single-controller NVSRAM software from the following URL:

Use the script editor to execute the command. To use this option, open Storage Manager. Right click on the System Storage DS3200, DS3300 or DS3400 in the Enterprise Management window. Select Execute Script from the menu that appears. This will open the script editor window. Enter the command as follows in the top half of the of the script editor window:

  set storageSubsystem redundancyMode=simplex;

Then, click on the Tools menu and select Execute Only.


Using the command-line interface options, enter the following command to change controller A from duplex (dual-controller) mode to simplex (single-controller) mode:

  set storageSubsystem redundancyMode=simplex

Use the SMCli utility to execute the command. This option utilizes your operating system's command line to connect to the system via its IP address and execute the command. Type the following command at a command prompt in your operating system:

  Smcli ctlr_A_IP_address -c "set storageSubsystem redundancyMode=simplex;"

Be sure to replace ctlr_A_IP_address with the actual IP address of the management port on the A controller.

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