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2010. 12. 8. 08:11
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드라이버 설치시에
iscsi만 안잡히면 다음과 같은 hotfix를 설치 해야지만
드라이버가 제대로 설치가 됩니다.

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IBM에도 나와있습니다
소프트웨어 프로그램 받는 곳에

  • Chimney and TOE are enabled for all NX2 devices under Windows 2008 and 2008 R2 if the NX2 drivers are installed from Broadcom NX2 driver installer program provided from launch.exe of this software CD. By default, when you install Windows 2008 / 2008 R2 OS and then the Broadcom NX2 driver installer program, both Chimney and TOE should be properly enabled by default.

    When installing Windows 2008 R2, it is required that you pick up and apply this Microsoft KB during the OS fresh installation:

    When not installed properly, there can be a mismatch of Chimney disabled and TOE enabled. In this case, you will need to manually set Chimney and TOE to either both disabled or both enabled depending on your particular operation requirement.
  • BASP Silent Config (BASPSCFG) is no longer included since BACSCLI has now replaced BASPSCFG utility.
  • For iSCSI hardware offload installation for adapter option 42C1780 (FRU 42C1782 or 49Y4205) and adapter option 49Y4220 (FRU 49Y4222), with Microsoft Windows 2003, KB 943295 hotfix is required:
    For F6 installation to iSCSI drive, the hotfix has to be slip-streamed to the Windows 2003 installation CD.

  • For for iSCSI boot and iSCSI hardware offload for these following adapters:
    • Adapter option 49Y4220 (FRU 49Y4222)
    • Adapter option 42C1780 (FRU 42C1782 and FRU 49Y4205)

    Please check the followings:
    1. Run launch.exe -> Users Guide -> Using iSCSI for information
    2. Run Driver Installer from launch.exe for installing all Windows drivers including iSCSI.
    3. Go to \iscsi_F6Install for iSCSI F6 driver
    4. Go to \iSCSIboot for iSCSI boot
    5. Go to \linux\iSCSI for Linux iSCSI offload driver
    6. Windows iSCSI drivers are in \OIS folders in Windows folders
    7. With iSCSI hardware offloas, you must use Broadcom iSCSI boot from \iSCSIboot and NOT the IBM iSCSI boot (Iboot). Note that 49Y4220 option comes enabled for iSCSI hardware offload. 42C1780 is not. At this time, contact IBM support for the license update tool to enable the 42C1780 adapter.
    • The 49Y4220 adapter option ( FRU 49Y4222 ) supports Wake on LAN only for the first 2 ports 0 and 1. Ports 2 and 3 are not supported.
    • WARNING:Any x3850M2/x3950M2 server is required to be updated to v1.05 (Build A3E145A) system BIOS, or later, prior to any device driver software update.
    • x3950 X5 2-nodes, with hyper threading on, for > 64 CPU cores configuration in Windows 2008 x64 or R2, is required to be installed with this T5.2.4.7 release. Previous releases are not supported for > 64 CPU cores.
    • End user diagnostic tools are provided for DOS, EFI, and Linux. For DOS, go to \DOS folder. For EFI, go to \UEFI folder. For Linux, go to \Linux\Diag\ folder.
      Xdiag is for 1Gb products and ediag is for 10Gb products.

    IBM support:

    Please check this support URL for the latest drivers sw release update:

    At the search option at the top upper right of the web page, type in the adapter option PN and this should take you to all associated support URLs for the adapter, including the software download support URL.

    To view PDF files you must have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat installed on your system.

    Applicable countries and regions

    Document id:  MIGR-5081963
    Last modified:  2010-10-28
    Copyright © 2010 IBM Corporation

    driver install 시 몇가지 선행작업이 필요합니다.

    Microsoft Windows 2003, KB 943295 hotfix is required:

    를 설치후 아래 site에서 드라이버 다운로드후 아래 방법대로 실행해야 합니다.

    Please check the followings:
    1,Run launch.exe -> Users Guide -> Using iSCSI for information
    2,Run Driver Installer from launch.exe for installing all Windows drivers including iSCSI.
    3,Go to \iscsi_F6Install for iSCSI F6 driver
    4,Go to \iSCSIboot for iSCSI boot
    5,Go to \linux\iSCSI for Linux iSCSI offload driver
    6,Windows iSCSI drivers are in \OIS folders in Windows folders
    7,With iSCSI hardware offloas, you must use Broadcom iSCSI boot from \iSCSIboot and NOT the IBM iSCSI boot (Iboot). Note that 49Y4220 option comes enabled for iSCSI hardware offload. 42C1780 is not. At this time, contact IBM support for the license update tool to enable the 42C1780 adapter.

    SCSI 및 RAID 컨드롤러 항목에 느낌표 표신된 'Broadcom Nextreme II c-NIC iSCSI adapator' 는 iSCSI hardware 를 연결할때 사용됨

    IBM 최신서버에 관련된 경험과 지식을 공유하는 블로그이며 블로그에 처음오신분은 *필독공지*를 꼭 먼저 읽어보시기 바랍니다.