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2019. 1. 24. 00:15
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Downloading service data

Use the information in this topic to collect service information about your server. This process is normally only done at the request of service personnel to assist in resolving a server problem.

In the XClarity Controller home page, click the Service option in the Quick Action section and select Download Service Data. Click OK to download the service data.

The process of collecting the service and support data takes a few minutes to generate the service data. The file will be saved to your default download folder. The naming convention for the service data file follows this convention:<machine type and model>_<serial number>_xcc_<date>-<time>.tgz

For example: 7X2106Z01A_2345678_xcc_170511-175656.tgz.




service누르고 다운로드 하면 FFDC받아집니다.


This article will provide the steps required to collect the XClarity Controller Service Data from ThinkSystem Servers.

Applicable Systems

ThinkSystem, ThinkServer, System x, Flex System


Complete the following steps to collect ThinkSystem XClarity Controller Service Data files using the XClarity Controller service.

1. Log into XClarity Controller


2. Click Service on the Quick Actions panel of the XClarity controller Home page.


3. Click Download Service Data.


4. Click OK to confirm the Service Data collection and download.


5. This may take a few minutes, you will then be prompted to save the file or download the file to a location on your local workstation.


5. Click Save to save the Service Data 


Additional Information

  • The naming convention for the service data should display similar to the following example:




  • XCC service data (*.TZZ) cannot directly be extracted using a general unzip tool such as 7z. Please send the XCC service data to technical service team for further data analysis. 
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