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2011. 7. 15. 10:19
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딴지 거실분들은 절대 읽지 마시고 100% 정확한 정보가 있는 에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.

IBM DS5020종료 방법입니다
메뉴얼에 나와있는것이니
꼭 참고 하고 종료하세요
그냥 막 끄시면 안됩니다

모든 작업을 종료하고 리드라이트가 없어야함.
캐쉬 LED꺼진후에 종료해야함

Before proceeding, use the Storage Manager client to determine the status of the
system components and special instructions. The operating system software might
require you to perform other procedures before you turn off the power.

1. Stop all I/O activity to each storage subsystem.
2. Remove the front cover from the storage subsystem, if applicable.
3. Determine the status of all storage subsystems and components in the
configuration by completing the following steps:
a. Check all LEDs on each component in the storage expansion enclosures.
Make sure that all the LEDs show normal status.
b. Check all LEDs on each component in the storage subsystem. Make sure
that all the LEDs show normal status.
c. Open the Subsystem Management window for the configuration and
display the Physical View for the configuration.
d. Review the status of the configuration components shown in the
Subsystem Management window by selecting the applicable component
button for each storage subsystem.
The status for each component will be either Optimal or Needs Attention.
4. Are the LEDs indicating normal operation, and is the status Optimal on all
configuration components?
v Yes - Go to step 6.
v No - Go to step 5.
5. To diagnose and correct the fault, complete the following steps:
a. Run the Recovery Guru by selecting the Recovery Guru toolbar button in
the Subsystem Management window.
b. Complete the recovery procedure.
If the Recovery Guru directs you to replace a failed component, use the
individual LEDs to locate the failed component.
c. When the recovery procedure is completed, select Recheck in the
Recovery Guru. This action reruns the Recovery Guru to make sure that
the problem has been fixed.
d. If the problem has not been fixed, contact your IBM service representative.
Do not turn off power until all problems are corrected.
6. Check the Cache Active LED, and verify that it is off.
If the Cache Active LED is on steady, the cache contains data. Wait for the
data to clear from cache memory before turning off the power.

7. Check the LEDs on the storage expansion enclosures to verify that all Drive
Active LEDs are on steady (not blinking).
If one or more LEDs are blinking, data is being written to or from the drives.
Wait for all Active LEDs to stop blinking.
8. Turn off the power switch on the back of each controller in the storage
Note: Until the power switch on each controller is turned off, power still
remains turned on for the both controllers; therefore, the seven-segment
display on each controller stays on until the power switch on each
controller is turned off.
Chapter 4. Operating the storage subsystem 111
9. Turn off both power switches on the back of each storage expansion enclosure
in the configuration.

The power switch on the power supply and fan unit does not turn off the
electrical current supplied to the device. The DS5020 storage subsystem
might also have more than one connection to ac power. To remove all
electrical current from the device, ensure that all ac power cords are
disconnected from the power supply and fan unit ac input connectors.
10. Remove (unplug) all of the power cords from the DS5020 power supply

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